Hey! Wanna play dress up?

I wanted to feel like an Elven Princess—so I became one. With the help of my friend, stylist, and local artist, Phoebe Longfellow, we curated two looks for an outdoor photoshoot centered around the concept of childhood and growth.

The aesthetic inspiration behind this pilot session was pretty straightforward—feminine, soft, and sprinkled with fantasy. And what better way to kick off the concept than with Elf Ears? It’s a shame I’m about 26 years too late to show this look to Peter Jackson. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wait for the reboot. (;

My Takeaways from This Session

  • Embrace the challenge of mixing patterns and textures.

  • Corsets are a fun addition to outfits, providing buildable structure to create various silhouettes and striking visual juxtapositions.

  • “Touching grass” is good for the soul.

  • Play more, think less.